【ZT】Here are some MBA books for sell at different
1. $5 dollars per book.
(1) Title: Behavioral Corporate Finance
Author(s): Hersh Shefrin
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN-13: 9780072848656
(2) Title: The marketing Plan Handbook (3rd Edition)
Author(s): Marian Burk Wood
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN-13: 9780132237550
(3) Title: Understanding and Analyzing Financial Statements
(4th Edition)
Author(s): Karen P. Schoenebeck
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0132391902
(4) Title:
Author(s): N. Gregory Mankiw
Publisher: 北京大学出版社
ISBN: 9787301106631
(5) Title:
Author(s): Paul A. Samuelson & William D. Nordhaus
Publisher: 人民邮电出版社
ISBN: 9787115120137/F
(6) Title:
Author(s): Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
Publisher: 北京大学出版社
ISBN: 9787301123027
(7) Title:
Author(s): Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
Publisher: 上海人民出版社
ISBN: 978-7-208-06461-4
(8) Title:
Author(s): Bernard W. Taylor
Publisher: 机械工业出版社
ISBN: 978-7-111-24507-0
(9) Equities, Readings Handbook
2. $8 dollars per book.
(1) Title: Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis (7th Edition)
Author(s): Edwin J.Elton; Martion J. Gruber; Stephen J. Brown;
William N. Goetzmann
Publisher: China Machine Press
ISBN: 9787111212041
(2) Title: A Framework for Marketing Management
Author(s): Philip Kotler
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0130185256
(3) Title: A Framework for Marketing Management (2nd Edition)
Author(s): Philip Kotler
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0131204270
(4) Title: Manias, Panics, and Crashes (A History of Financial
Crises) (5th Edition)
Author(s): Charles P. Kindleberger & Robert Aliber
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 9780471467144
(5) Title: Microeconomics (6th Edition)
Author(s): Robert S. Pindyck & Daniel L. Rubinfeld
Publisher: Tsinghua University
ISBN: 978-7-302-11534-2
(6) Title: Microeconomics (5th Edition)
Author(s): Robert S. Pindyck & Daniel L. Rubinfeld
Publisher: Tsinghua University
ISBN: 7-302-04719-7
(7) Title: Financial Accounting (Working Papers)
Prepared by: Dick D. Wasson
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 0-471-32440-x
2. $10 dollars per book.
(1) Title: Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies (7th Edition)
Author(s): Frank J. Fabozzi
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN-13: 9780136099741
(2) Title: Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies (5th Edition)
Author(s): Frank J. Fabozzi
Publisher: Peking University Rress
ISBN: 9787301096574
(3) Title: Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies (6th Edition)
Author(s): Frank J. Fabozzi
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 0132436264
(4) Title: Microeconomics (7th Edition)
Author(s): Robert S. Pindyck, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Rrem L. Mehta
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 9788131725993
(5) Title: ( Study Guide) Microeconomics (6th Edition)
Author(s): Hamilton ?Suslow
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0131445545
(6) Title: American Business Law for International Managers
Author(s): Professor George Roe (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
ISBN-13: 9780390897244
(7) Title: The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements (2nd Edition)
Author(s): Gerald I. White?Ashwinpaul C. Sondhi?Dov Fried
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 047117176X
(8) Title: Operations Management (7th Edition)
Author(s): Jay Heizer?Barry Render
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0131422723
(9) Title: Business Communication Process & Product (6th Edition)
Author(s): Mary Ellen Guffey
Publisher: South-Western
ISBN-13: 9780324578676
(10) Title: Microeconomics
Author(s): Paul Krugman ?Robin Wells
Publisher: Worth Publishers
ISBN: 0716752298
(11) Title: Ethical and Professional Standards and Quantitative
Methods (Level 1: 2009)
Author(s): CFA Institute
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN-13: 9780536537034
(12) Title: Financial Accounting (5th Edition)
Author(s): Jerry J. Weygandt?Donald E. Kieso?Paul D. Kimmel
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 0471726052
(13) Title: Financial Accounting – The Impact on Decision Makers (5th
Author(s): Porter?Norton
Publisher: South-Western
ISBN: 0324300859
(14) Title: Financial Accounting – Tools for Business Decision
Making (4th Edition)
Author(s): Kimmel?Weygandt? Kieso
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 9780471730514
(15) Title: Financial Accounting – Information for Decisions (4th Edition)
Author(s): John J. Wild
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780073043753
(16) Title: Financial Accounting – The Impact on Decision Makers (6th
Author(s): Porter?Norton
Publisher: South-Western
ISBN-13: 9780324655230
4. $15 dollars per book.
(1) Title: Corporate Finance (7th Edition)
Author(s): Ross?Westerfield?Jaffe
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0072829206
(2) Title: Corporate Finance (8th Edition)
Author(s): Ross?Westerfield?Jaffe
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780073105901
(3) Title: Microeconomics(5th Edition)
Author(s): Robert S. Pindyck & Daniel L. Rubinfeld
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0130165832
(4) Title: Microeconomics(6th Edition)
Author(s): Robert S. Pindyck & Daniel L. Rubinfeld
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0130084611
(5) Title: Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (2nd Edition)
Author(s): Stephen G. Cecchetti
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780073523095
(6) Title: Managing Marketing in 21st Century
Author(s): Noel Capon with James Mac Hulbert
Publisher: Wessex
ISBN: 9780979734403
(7) Title: Principle of Corporate Finance
Author(s): Brealey?Myers?Allen
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0072957239
5. $20 dollars per book.
(1) Title: Private Wealth Management (8th Edition)
Author(s): G. Victor Hallman and Jerry S. Rosenbloom
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780071544214
(2) Title: Modern Financial Management (8th Edition)
Author(s): Ross?Westerfield?Jaffe?Jordan
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780071100885
(3) Title: Investments (8th Edition)
Author(s): Zvi Bodie?Alex Kane?Alan J. Marcus
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780071278287
(4) Title: Investments (8th Edition)
Author(s): Zvi Bodie?Alex Kane?Alan J. Marcus?Pitabas Mohanty
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN-13: 9780070151574
If you are interested in those books, please contact:
Phone Number: 7735375417
Address: 1111 S Laflin St.
Email: zdeng4@uic.edu
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