1. What’s your current address? (你现在的住址是什么?)
2. How long have you been living in this address? (你在这个住址住了多长时间?)
3. Do you rent or own? ( 你是租的房子还是自己买的房子?)
4. Who do you live in this address currently? (现在你在这个住址与谁一起居住?)
5. When did he/she move in this current address? (他/她是什么时候搬进这个住址的?)
6. How many bedrooms are there in your apartment or house? (在你的公寓或者别墅内一共有几个卧室?)
7. How did you two meet each other? (你们是如何认识的?)
8. Who proposed the marriage? (你们是谁求的婚?)
9. Where do you work? (你在哪里工作?)
10. Does your wife or husband work? (你的太太或者先生也工作吗?)
11. Have your parents meet your wife or husband? (你的父母见过你的妻子或者丈夫吗?)
12. Have your meet your in-laws? (你见过对方的父母吗?)
13. Where did you marry? (你们在哪里结婚的?)
14. What did you do after your marriage? (你们结婚以后做什么了?)
15. What did you do for your last birthday? (你去年生日做什么了?)
16. Did you buy any gift for your husband or wife? (你给你的太太或者先生买生日礼物了吗?)
17. Where does your husband or wife live before the marriage? (结婚前你的太太或者先生住在哪里?)
18. After your marriage did you travel outside the State of Florida? (你们结婚以后到州外旅行过吗?)
19. If you have travelled outside the State of Florida, how did you go? Did you travel by airplane or by car? (你们除外旅行是怎么去的?是做飞机还是开车?)
20. Did you stay in hotel or stay in your friends or relative’s house? (你们是住在旅店里还是住在朋友或者亲戚家里?)
21. What did you do last Valentine’s Day? (上一次情人节你们都干什么了?)
22. Did you buy any gift for your husband or wife? (你给你的丈夫或者太太买礼物了吗?)
23. What do you use for birth control? (你们是怎么避孕的?)
24. What is your husband or wife’s cell phone number? (你先生或者太太的手机号码是多少?)
25. Did you complete college? (你有大学毕业吗?)
26. Did your husband or wife attend college? (你的先生或者太太上过大学吗?)
27. When was the last time you two go to a movie? (你们两个上一次一起去看电影是什么时候?)
28. Where did you go to the movie last time? (上一次你们一起去看电影是在哪里?)
29. What did you do on the past Saturday? (上个星期六你们做什么了?)
30. Is there a ceiling fan in your living room? (你的起居室里有吊扇吗?)
31. Where is the toilet tissue located in your master bathroom? (你主卧卫生间的厕纸是放在哪里的,是左边还是右边?)
32. Is there a shower in your master bathroom? (你主卧卫生间里有淋浴间吗?)
33. Is there a sliding door in your master bathroom? (你主卧室淋浴间里有玻璃拉门吗?)
34. Do you have a barbecue grill at your house? (在你的房子里有没有烧烤机?)
35. Did you have any major arguments after the marriage with your spouse? (结婚以后,你和你的太太或先生有过什么主要的争吵吗?)
36. What is the reason for your argument if you had one? (你们争吵的主要原因是什么?)
37. Who hired the attorney? (谁聘请的律师?)
38. Have you been arrested in any reason? (你有没有因为任何原因被逮捕过?)
39. Have you offered money to any one to help you get the green card? (你有没有为取得绿卡向任何人付钱?)
40. What kind of TV Shows does your spouse watch? (你的太太或者先生通常是看什么电视节目?)
41. Who bought the wedding ring and where? (谁买的结婚戒指?在哪里买的?)
42. Is there an alarm clock in the master bedroom? (在你们的主卧室中有没有闹钟?)
43. Did you go to any theme park together after the marriage? (你们结婚以后有没有一起去过主题公园?)
44. Who drove here today? (今天是谁开车过来的?)
45. Do you or your spouse own any weapon? (你或者你的配偶拥有武器吗?)
46. Do you or your spouse own any pet? ( 你或者你的配偶养宠物吗?)
47. What kind of sports do you play? (你从事何种体育运动?)
48. Do you or your spouse own any sport equipments? (你们有没有什么体育器械或者器材?)
49. Do you know if there are any tattoos or scars on the body of your spouse? (你知道你的配偶身上是否有纹身或者疤痕?)
50. Do you have any plan to have a child? (你们有没有生孩子的计划?)
51. What time did you go to sleep last night? (昨晚你什么时候睡觉的?)
52. What time did your wife or husband go to sleep last night? (昨晚你的妻子或丈夫是什么时候睡觉的?)
53. Do you sleep with your pajamas or underwear on? (你睡觉的时候穿睡衣或者内衣吗?)
54. Have you ever abuse your husband or wife so that he or she had to call police? (你有没有虐待你的丈夫或者妻子以至于他/她必须叫警察?