有关Perch 的渔规,感谢鱼友指正,我这还是老黄历了。这里重新发一次,以免误导
坏消息: 密西根湖的Perch, 从今年开始,每年5月1日 - 6月15日之间禁钓。6月16日以后才可以钓。
7月份被认为是钓Perch 的黄金时间,我以前没钓过,因为以前都是7月份禁钓。
IDNR Announces Lake Michigan Yellow Perch Fishing Open in July
Popular Fishing Season Closed Since 2001 to Reopen
CHICAGO – The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is making changes to yellow perch regulations on Lake Michigan to reflect the wishes of perch anglers while continuing to protect the lake’s perch fishery. For the first time since 2001, perch fishing will be open during the month of July, the most popular month for perch angling. The number of fish allowed per angler remains at 15 per day. Starting in 2015, yellow perch fishing will close from May 1 to June 15 to further safeguard the spawning stock. Illinois perch anglers have indicated support for a spring closure to protect pre-spawn and spawning perch from harvest.
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