CBCAC Voter Guide for November 2, 2010
United States Senator 國會參議員
(1)Mark Kirk (Republican) 一號 共和黨
Health Care Reform 健保改革:
. voted against health care reform believing that it would lead to higher taxes and budget deficits and represents government intrusion into the doctor-patient relationship and the rationing of health care by government.
. 反對健保改革法案並認為會導致更多征稅及財務預算不敷, 無必要地介入醫生/病人関係及形成政府配給醫療服務.
Immigration 移民:
. opposes the DREAM Act which would provide legal status for some undocumented students who were brought over to this country by undocumented parents;
. 反對 DREAM 法案提議給予年幼時跟隨父母非法入境學生合法身份
. voted against immigration reform efforts as a Congressman
. 在位國會議員時投票反對移民法例改革提案
. emphasizes border enforcement to be priority before other considerations
. 認為必先加強邊防執法才可考慮其他移民政策改革
Jobs/The Economy 就業與經濟:
. voted against the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 as it would increase national debt
. 投票反對2009年動用七千八百七十億美元的美國康復轉投資法案, 認為該措施會提昇國債
(2)Alexander “Alexi” Giannoulias (Democratic) 二號 民主黨
Health Care Reform 健保改革:
. supports Obama’s health care reform
. 支持奥巴馬健保改革
. wants more health care legislation and policies to protect consumers, decrease premiums and increase coverage
. 希望增加法例政策以保濩消費者, 降低保險費及增加保險範圍.
Immigration 移民:
. supports the DREAM Act, which would provide legal status for some undocumented students who were brought over to this country by undocumented parents
. 支持 DREAM 法案容許年幼時跟隨父母非法入境的學生獲得合法身份
. supports immigration reform to provide a pathway to legalization for undocumented immigrants
. 支持給予無身份移民合法化途徑的移民政革
. supports measures to deal with the family reunification backlog
. 支持解決家人等候團聚擋案堆積問題應策
Jobs/The Economy 就業與經濟:
Supports a job creation tax credit and a lending program through the Small Business Administration to steer money to small businesses.支持創業回稅津貼及提供小型企業貸款計劃
Additional Candidates U,S. Senate 其他參議員候選人:
(3) LeAlan M. Jones (Green Party) 三號綠黨
(4) Mark Labno (Libertarian) 四號自由黨
Governor/Lieutenant Governor 州長/副州長
(17) Bill Brady/Jason Plummer (Republican) 十七號 共和黨
Education 教育:
. Proposes 10 percent across-the-board cuts to each area of the state's budget, which would reduce education funding by almost $1 billion next year, as the primary measure to address the current budget deficit.
. 提議州財政預算整體一致削滅十份之一以作為針對財務短缺問題主要對策, 直接影响明年的教育撥欵 按比例减少近十億
Immigration 移民:
. voted against the All Kids program, citing the state budget deficit and the use of state resources by undocumented immigrants 反對”全童計劃” 認為公欵用於無記綠移民會增加預算不敷
Jobs/The Economy 就業與經濟:
. Believes that higher taxes will hurt job creation and economy 認為高稅會損害創業及經濟
. Believes that the minimum wage represents government intrusion and should be determined instead by market forces 認為工資應由自由市場動力決定, 而最低工資法例屬於政府干預
(18) Pat Quinn /Sheila Simon (Democratic) 十八號 民主黨
Education 教育:
. Governor Quinn touted his maintaining funding for education in his 19 months in office, and has proposed the use of new revenue sources such as an income tax increase in order to minimize cuts to education and social services in the future.
. 重申十九個月任州長期間保持教育撥欵, 並提議提高入息稅以避免將來教育及社會服務經費被削減
Immigration 移民:
. believes services for immigrants should increase 認為應提昇移民服務
. supported the All Kids program to provide health care to children in the state regardless of their immigration status. 支持”全童計劃”無須考慮移民身份而提供兒童健康服務
Jobs/The Economy 就業與經濟:
. As Governor, implemented a $26 billion federal jobs package, which included a program that claimed to have created 26,000 jobs and helped 3,000 businesses hire employees.
. 任州長期間執行總值二百六十億聯邦就業完套計劃產生二萬六千就業及幫助三千商户增僱員工
Additional candidates for Governor/Lieutenant Governor 其他州長/副州長候選人
(19) Rich Whitney/ Don W. Crawford (Green Party) 19號綠黨
(20) Lex Green/Ed Rutledge (Libertarian) 20號自由黨
(22) Scott Lee Cohen/Baxter B. Swilley (Independent) 22號獨立候選人
Attorney General 總檢察長
(24) Steve Kim (Republican) 24號共和黨
(25) Lisa Madigan (Democratic) 25號民主黨(現任)**
(26) David F. Black (Green) 26號綠黨
(27) Bill Malan (Libertarian) 27號自由黨 **一般認為現位總檢察長及 州務卿為候選人
Secretary of State 州務卿
(30) Robert Enriquez (Republican) 30號共和黨
(31) Jesse White (Democratic) 31號民主黨(現任)**
(32) Josh Hanson (Libertarian) 32號自由黨
Treasurer 財務長
(41) Dan Rutherford (Republican) 41號共和黨
(42) Robin Kelly (Democratic) 42號民主黨
(43) Scott K. Summers (Green Party) 43號綠黨
(44) James Pauly (Libertarian) 44號自由黨
Comptroller 主計長
(35) Judy Baar Topinka (Republican) 35號共和黨
Believes State should reorganize payment process to make it more efficient and payment schedule overall more predictable
Suggests to first look at the State’s huge Medicaid expense where one in five Illinois residents is eligible to find way to cut cost
認為首要尋求方法减低全州五份一人口合乎資格申請的龐大醫療援助 支出
(36) David Miller (Democratic) 36號民主黨
Believes payment schedule should be flexible to give priority to social service agencies in critical financial situation
Suggests to tackle the State’s expensive public employee retirement fund system as a way to deal with budget deficit
提議解決州政府財務困境, 先重整公務員退休金龐大支出問題
(37) R. Erika Shafer (Green Party) 37號綠黨
(38) Julie Fox (Libertarian) 38號自由黨
US Representative, 3rd District (Congressman)
(47) Michael A Bendas (Republican) 47號共和黨
(48) Daniel William Lipinski (Democratic) 48號民主黨
(49) Laurel Lambert Schmidt (Green) 49號綠黨
US Representative, 7th District (Congressman)
(47) Mark M. Weiman (Republican) 47號共和黨
(48) Danny K. Davis (Democratic) 48號民主黨(現任)
(49) Clarence Desmond Clemons (Independent) 49獨立候選人
Proposed Amendment to the Illinois Constitution
The proposed amendment would add a new section to the state constitution that would provide the state’s electors with an option to petition for a special election to recall a Governor and for a special election of a successor Governor. If you agree with this change to the constitution, you should vote “yes.” If you disagree, you should vote “no.” This amendment will pass if 3/5 of those voting on the question or a majority of those voting in the election vote yes.
修訂案建議在伊利諾州憲法投票權和選舉條文中增加新的一節條文,為州的合資格選民提供一個選擇,可請願要求特別選舉罷免州長及請願要求特別選舉選出州長繼任者.如果您同意,您應在這問題上投“是”, 如果您不同意,您應在這問題上投“否”
Please go to the Chicago Board of Elections website and type in your name and address for a sample ballot and your polling location. http://www.chicagoelections.com
如你會用中文上網, 可瀏覽芝加哥選舉局網站, http://www.chicagoelections.com, 點 中文,再輸入華埠地區地址及登記選民姓氏, 即有詳盡中文資科. 因為在曲郡及芝加哥, 中文是選舉法定語文之一
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